
Results 4 comments of Cosismo

Out of the box, I cannot get the BPM of my mi band 3, neither single-shot nor continuous. After a firmware update via the official Android App, and except for...

Hi, Manuel, do you achieve the training in Spanish? I'm an artist based in Mexico and I'm interested in using it for an Art project.

Solved. Thanks. TLDR; I followed your suggestion + moved to RaspOS Bullseye 64 bits with gstreamer 1.18 The detailed solution: I added: `GstElement *sinkk = gst_element_factory_make("kmssink", "video-output");` `g_object_set(G_OBJECT(self->pipeline), "video-sink", sinkk,...

I tested and it works with my RPi setup. Obviously to not touch the library code is a preferred option, so I will use this solution. Audio is not working,...