Cory Walker

Results 27 issues of Cory Walker

I get a segfault whenever I try to run eda. The segfault occurs in Address::get_location() when the location_ is returned. There are also two errors that need to be fixed...

//&TestComment{"Notice how rules are applies until no further rules apply. If we only used `ReplaceAll`, only the first step of simplification would occur:"}, // Expreduce does not currently return the...

In[2]:= Pause[1]; Print["Hello"]; Pause[1]; Print["World"] P:5:Hello P:5:World In[3]:=

@CoryWalker In Mathematica, this ordering of literal vs non-literal patterns can't be overridden even by setting DownValues explicitly. The rule list will always be reordered by the system.

If a function is recursive and not bound on any other complexity, the performance suffers by an order of magnitude. DownValues[fib]={HoldPattern[fib[0]]->0,HoldPattern[fib[1]]->1,HoldPattern[fib[x_]]:>fib[x-1]+fib[x-2]} fib[30]//Timing Should only take about 3 seconds. Note that...

Needed by SimplerQ in Rubi