Cory Liu
Cory Liu
Python 3.7.2 Webvtt-py 0.4.2 MacOS 10.14 My SRT is initially in a database, so write to a tempfile: ``` temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".srt", mode='w+t') try: temp.writelines( print( finally: webvtt_from_srt =...
Hey @glut23 yes you are correct. Saving to a file produces the proper outcome. Any chance the stored string value will be correctly parsed in future updates? Would save me...
Same problem, Submit button is greyed out. Debug is set to false. Appirater.setDaysUntilPrompt(0) Appirater.setUsesUntilPrompt(0) Appirater.setSignificantEventsUntilPrompt(2) Appirater.setTimeBeforeReminding(1) Appirater.setDebug(false) Appirater.appLaunched(true)
Actually this might be because of development mode, not Appirater