Hi there, I just wanted to say this is fantastic work you've done here, I'm amazed at the results and really look forward to how your team progresses with this....
Hi there, my style images and video frames are the same size and in the data structure mentioned however I get the error: Validation sanity check: 0% 0/1 [00:00
I'm getting a ImportError: Cannot compile splatting CUDA library. Loading extension module _splat... 0%| | 0/1 [00:00
Hi there, I feel I have my folders set up correctly and dependencies installed, hence an output folder is generated at the start of the inference, however shortly after starting...
Hi all, Thanks for your open libraries, loving working with Solara so far! I just discovered ipyreact also and I'm trying to see how easy it is for using react...
Hi I can load the model fine via model = transformers.LLaMAForCausalLM.from_pretrained("/content/drive/MyDrive/llama-13b-hf/") but Im not finding the LLaMATokenizer, so receiving the error AttributeError: module transformers.models.llama has no attribute LLaMATokenizer