
Results 52 comments of corrad1nho

Sorry for the late answer, I'll investigate this issue. Could you share the content of "etc/resolv.conf"?

The DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf is correct. I suspect its systemd-resolved that's interfering. I could implement a check whether the systemd-resolved service is running or not and disable it while...

> If I am enabling the firewall and IPv6 protection through the GUI started with sudo both works more or less, but am I still able to ping any server...

> > > This is actually not really possible for me, because every time I try to change the config without starting it with sudo I’m getting this error (I’m...

> I'm on Arch with i3 and I installed a graphical polkit agent and it seems to work. Config changes via the gui, too? > Yes, IPv6 is disabled. After...

No offense taken at all! Thanks for your feedback, I'm always glad to learn how to do things in a more pythonic way,

This may conflict with system shutdown/reboot or delay it as essentially the CloseEvent will be ignored if you override it with "minimize". To get rid of the exit dialog only...

I'm planning to add more providers and PureVPN is actually on my shortlist. Currently, I have no subscription with them, though, which makes it hard to test it.

Have you checked preserve pre-existing firewall rules, too? How do you know Qomui's firewall rules are still running? Can you post the output of "sudo iptables -S" when this occurs?

Check out v0.8.2. Firewall handling should be far more robust now.