Kuncoro Wicaksono

Results 14 comments of Kuncoro Wicaksono

Hi @Tenebra233 . Sorry for the inconvenience. After I checked, there are unfinished feature about that. I will update later and make this to enhancement for now. Thank you

Hi @msnegurski thank you for your support. For this enhancement, please use latest version: v0.3.4 and follow this step: https://coroo.github.io/nova-chartjs/#/?id=custom-x-axis

Hi @hassan-alhussaini , Actually we already test and use the nova-chartjs in local, staging and production environment and working fine over http or https. Also, if you want to test...

Can you share screenshot of your console (inspect element-> console tab) ? Just want to check if there is any errror related

Hi @hassan-alhussaini , Thank you for sharing. I think the error caused by install another nova-chart as stated here: Can you please uninstall / remove **nova-apex-chart** from your composer first...

Hi @hassan-alhussaini , Actually I have try to do some research in your server. But unfortunately, I can't get a way to solve your problem. This issue is almost same...

Hi @hassan-alhussaini , since what you already change (nova.request()) in vuejs. Dont forget to: ``` cd vendor/coroowicaksono/chart-js-integration npm install npm run prod ```

Hi, @niunaiyi . Can you please add more detail what happened and your request? Also it will be much help if you can share image or screenrecord(video) about it.

Hi @niunaiyi , sorry for late response. So what I understand is, you use custom bar-chart https://coroo.github.io/nova-chartjs/#/?id=bar-chart. But unfortunately, the nova-chartjs still call data from db, am I right?

Atfer I see the documentation at laravel nova. There is an issue about that: [in here](https://github.com/laravel/nova-issues/issues/2663), which is still in development stage in laravel nova. The best answer for now...