Not sure if related but if the connect/disconnect button is clicked while the state is connecting/disconnecting, it becomes unresponsive. Wouldn't it be better if the buttons were disabled if connecting/disconnecting?...
It happens on TCP-only connection.
Outline is not only shadowsocks, and different client apps have their own features and opinions. Maybe UDP over TCP is happening in your shared network if you're sure UDP is...
@ParsaJR If it's for personal/family usage, read this It won't get blocked on a **clean** IP.
The `TLS ClientHello` prefix works for personal use and you should use it. It becomes different when clients connect from many different ISPs.
Could also set from dynamic access links
Unfortunately the whole limit logic is extremely opinionated and the APIs seem to be targeted toward the Outline Manager app instead of being more general.
The issue is the [hardcoded 30 days on the data used]( API. This is my proposition: Make the data used API (/metrics/transfer) accept a parameter for hour count so one...
The issue is not with port or Iranian websites. Good luck, hope you can get it to work for you.
Random port takes hours to get detected. TCP only connection on 443 with TLS prefix on a clean IP can give you a week or two for family usage. If...