David Cornejo
David Cornejo
@AnatoleLucet 6 months later and your solution helped me tremendously, thank you so much
> Does this AnatoleLucet solution work with react-native-reanimated v3? Marker expects props lat/long nested under `coordinate` and I can't get it to work. I checked the migration docs and it...
> Had the same issue and implemented the same solution and it works! The issue is only present on the web. @cornejobarraza Thanks! @darvinjsdprog I'm glad this worked for you,...
> Is there any reason not to implement this? Would love to use this across web and mobile. I think the project is no longer maintained as it used to...
> would like to review and merge if someone can make a pr Done, please check PR https://github.com/magicismight/react-native-root-toast/pull/178
> I'll preface this by saying I'm not a professional dev by any means, but I'm working on a project and came across this error. As was said above, using...