Results 243 comments of cormullion

Documenter uses [this]( at the moment. People generally are happy to manually update the version when they feel ready, rather than always getting the latest version... I think you needn't...

I can add a PDFX3 CYMK version. A quick comparison on screen suggests that the blue is (as usual) the main victim of the CYMK conversion:

I had the `round()` one today, in . But you already know about it, don't you femtocleaner? :)

ColorSchemes was split successfully. But the "pretty lightweight" dependency on ColorVectorSpace was added in - to improve speed and memory use, apparently. SpecialFunctions ( is being looked at...😀

For extra credit, test with more than two glyphs. This is MacOS Terminal:

Unicode says: ``` 0230a ⌊ left floor 0230b ⌋ right floor ```

These glyphs in existing fonts vary a bit in tail-length, perhaps you can choose a model: Or, how about the dentistry symbols? ``` 023bf⎿ dentistry symbol light vertical and bottom...

That's a nice idea, I'm stealing it... :) ![lcd]( Feature code for this is: ``` @sevensegment = [u1FBF0 u1FBF1 u1FBF2 u1FBF3 u1FBF4 u1FBF5 u1FBF6 u1FBF7 u1FBF8 u1FBF9]; sub @sevensegment colon'...

[noblock] Fyi: `JuDoc` isn’t a thing anymore. It was renamed to Franklin.

reminds me of the Colors.jl logo ![image]( (made with Julia of course 😂) At the required size, though, I’d suggest a shape difference, not just a few differently coloured pixels....