Results 243 comments of cormullion

I’m happy it’s useful - I’ve always seen it as a learning exercise rather than anything else. I did do this once:—%202%C2%BD%20d%20graphics which was fun but not much more...

Hi there! I think this might just be how the clipping works when there's no perspective. In your example, you're ``` distance(Point3D(0, 0, 0), eyepoint()) = 222.2048604328897 ``` 222 units...

Ha, I'm not very confident that Thebes will satisfy your needs, but I'm very happy to help you establish its limitations... :)

Thanks... It's true that italics can take a bit of getting used to... [Cascadia Code]('s italics were a bit controversial for some... :) If I get more complaints, I'll have...

I tried out Monaspace for a while when it first came out. I couldn't decide whether the better spacing you might get on a single line compensated for the uneven...

@JuliaRegistrator register()

@JuliaRegistrator register()

@JuliaRegistrator register()

> Are there plans to be compatible with v1.11? ~~Not yet! 😀~~ In progress...