Corin Cerami
Corin Cerami
I actually was just thinking about a similar idea today. I was thinking about it specifically related to Rails, but it could also be related to being new to open... seems like it offers pretty similar functionality to, which seems more widely used based on the download numbers from I'd also love to see that functionality pulled...
I definitely agree. I plan on digging into these issues in a week or two if they're still outstanding by then. I think what makes the most sense is to...
I have a solution to the `NameError` killing the parent, but I want to try to find a way to reproduce this problem first so I can ensure that it...
Like I said, I believe I have a solution, but I would like to be able to reliably recreate the problem first.
Another idea might be to reword one of them to make them appear less similar. Perhaps "Retry" and "Clear"?
Hey RJ, is any way you could possibly provide some sort of minimal repro?
Based on [this Reddit thread]( and my own searching, it seems like NASA has removed the raw images from Spirit and Opportunity from their servers.
What's needed I believe is to update the `method_missing` in `lib/redis/namespace.rb` to properly pass keyword arguments, like `def method_missing(command, *args, **kwargs, &block)` and then `call_with_namespace(command, *args, **kwargs, &block)`.
It seems like to get the `full_res` URL, all that's needed is to remove the last section of it which adds the size constraint and change the file extension to...