Daniel Peebles
Daniel Peebles
I was just dealing with the client/server portion of the code and noticed that the handling for `hologram me` is almost identical to `hologram use`, except that it assumes the...
I'm not sure how feasible this is, but judging by [the `pf.conf` documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man5/pf.conf.5.html#//apple_ref/doc/man/5/pf.conf), it should be possible to restrict access to `` based on user. My concern is just that...
I noticed that if I restart a computer running the hologram agent that the user must type `hologram use` again to reacquire role credentials. Could the "current role" state be...
This is probably incompatible with how you've structured things internally, but it seems a tad more user-friendly (and also more compatible with what github enterprise excepts from an LDAP server)....
At the highest level, my goal is for different hologram users to have different access to different roles. I don't know of the best way to do this, but off...
I believe the [ZKCP pay-to-sudoku demo](https://github.com/zcash-hackworks/pay-to-sudoku) assembled a symmetric stream cipher from a hash function, but I'm wondering whether the advances in Cairo have made it possible to implement more...
Let's say I have ``` python { 'bark': 'oink', 'foo1': 'foo', 'foo2': 'woof', 'foo3': 'meow' } ``` and want to select all values for which keys start with "foo". I...
*cfn-lint version: 0.24.4* Apologies if this has already been proposed, but I just wasted some time staring at a template containing `AWS::NoValue` without a `Ref` in front of it (in...
What I'd like is for it to behave just like a regular function application, so: ``` local foo(x, y=100, z) = { x: x, y: y, z: z } local...
For ages now, I've been doing the "ask botocore to paginate for me, iterate over its pages, then iterate over the items in the result" canonical code. But after implementing...