Intel Nuc, totally new setup of HA and loaded the file editor, after installing click on "start" nothing happend. But in the left side there is "file editor" and when...
Have HDish 700 with item number HF 6B4S1PX von hoover Firmware: 1.8.0 Works fine!
ALso noticed, that the sensors "The sensors that you have to choose for the energy dashboard are listed here: https://github.com/MickMake/HomeAssistantAddons/blob/main/GoSungrow/DOCS.md (all the way at the bottom)" are not quit well...
Hi, have the same problem, at 0:00 is a huge stripe and don´t know why.
> Solved (in a way) in community HASS community post ["[Strange values in Energy Dashboard](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/strange-values-in-energy-dashboard/615232)"] Ok thank you, but i don´t understand what to do - any idea - any...