To improve deployment in Kubernetes, you can add Spinnaker. You can quickly deploy this tools in Virtual machine using below instructions. After that integrate kubernetes,jenkins,gitlab and other tools with...
I am trying to deploy this micro service on OpenShift 3.7. It's throwing an error message while create catalogue-db pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE catalogue-db-1846494424-2j29q 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 6 8m...
If you are prerecord some video for how to build Kubernetes cluster using your repo in end to end automating fashion, it would be great for beginners. will give...
Hello, I am trying to integrate Contrail SDN solution with Kubernetes. so while provision kubernetes cluster using your repo, I need to provision contrail node also using this yml file....
is there any inbuilt SDN supports included in this infrared such as Contrail or OpenDaylight Can I use this to automate in baremetal instead of Virtual + nested setup
Hi, Could you automate intraday buy/sell orders based on chartink firing alerts.
Hello, Could you update this project into newer version including celery,django
Could you assist me how do I create a visualize dashboard Something like this OpenShift version: 3.9 EFK deployed I am struck in create a dashboard
If you add zerodha to run algo, It would be great.
Could you update this project to support CloudForms 4.6 version which is current stable version. Thanks in advance.