Pete Cook
Pete Cook
Looks like 9924137ba7891df4b8dea71be9ce4b70810474bb wasn’t enough and we need to use the "existing player" embed:
ReactPlayer wasn't really built to support playlists. It’s a nice feature because it was easy to add, but is not fully supported. Updating the index in `config` won’t work because...
Duplicate of
Yep, I’m not against fixing this (hence why I didn’t close this issue). Just pointing out a similar discussion from the past.
Does or help?
@gordielachance This should start you off: I'm not even sure this needs to be added to ReactPlayer considering how simple it is just to implement it in the same...
>I think it should. A player that does not play should fire an error. Since it does not play :) Keep in mind that `onError` is literally just a proxy...
Is anyone able to provide an example repo where this happens? I can spin up a fresh `create-react-app` and do not get this error on any `17.0.*` version of react.
A PR to improve this would be welcome, provided it doesn’t break existing functionality.
Might be worth bringing this up in Looks like there are some possibly related issues with some discussion