Severin Pereto

Results 6 comments of Severin Pereto

The video preview of [CameraCapture]( works on the HoloLens2. Could not test it with [HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample ]( and [OpenCVForUnity]( yet.

> > > > > The video preview of [CameraCapture]( works on the HoloLens2. Could not test it with [HoloLensWithOpenCVForUnityExample ]( and [OpenCVForUnity]( yet. > > > > > >...

@EnoxSoftware The example works on HoloLens 2 with some modifications. The problem is the changed HoloLensCameraStream library and the newly introduced dependency on the CameraIntrinsics: - Either use [VulcanTechnologies/HoloLensCameraStream]( (and...

> > > None of the examples are working. I tried to follow all the instructions from the readme. As soon as I run even the License scene I see...

> The type or namespace name 'GestureRecognizer' could not be found Looks like a missing import of the "UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input" (instead of UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input). Not sure about this one. > The type...

This PR works fine on branch upgrade_2018_2 in Unity 2019.4.11f1 to capture video frames using the HoloLens 2. The examples are missing some scene configurations after the Unity upgrade.