I'm a new user of BRAKER, and overall I'm very impressed with the results, so great work! I have a brief suggestion for a future update: I think the --addUTR...
Please see if you can reproduce the following issue: When I ran the following command, I get the output shown below (bam file available at cufflinks -p 4 -o...
I'm trying to align 8 vertebrate genomes with progressiveCactus, but I've encountered an error that seems to be related to kyoto tycoon (see log file below). From what I can...
Let's say I have four genomes: A, B, C and D with tree (((A, B), C), D), and there is a gene "X" I'm interested in that is present in...
The function obtainSystemConstants() in the GridEngineBatchSystem class in batchSystems/ threw the error "ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 1.5T" when I tried to run it on a system that has 1.5T...
I've installed jobTree on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) with Python 2.7.3 and SGE 8.1.8, but when I run make test I get some errors: Can...
I'm trying to make a gene model plot using the ggbio tracks function. When I do autoplot alone, it looks fine, but when I use tracks, the x-axis ticks are... main fails on the test data set with the following error. Quick google search reveals similar errors in conda, sometimes reported fixed by using newer Python. ======= SPAdes pipeline...
I'm getting the following error when running the command shown below. `make: *** [/lab/pr/tc/sandbox/orp_test/assemblies/diamond/test.newbies.fasta] Error 1` I've attached the fastq files if you want to try and reproduce it. Maybe...
ORP fails on the test data set when I trim the reads to 75 bp, with the following error: ``` IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR READS ARE NOT AT LEAST 75...