
Results 19 comments of Clay

Hey all, I just opened a PR adding my new HEEx grammar. This does not solve this issue entirely, but it does improve support for the use-case of writing...

Here's another PR related to this thread: adds support for EEx and LEEx files by integrating with [tree-sitter-eex](

We also need to raise if a declarative slot and a declarative attribute share the same name for the same component:

> I think the biggest change I would suggest is to introduce and use all declarative assigns early on. So we teach about them as we are teaching components. Then...

I would like to start exploring declarative assigns for LiveComponents next, then move to declarative assigns for LiveViews based on what we learn. I am also not a fan of...

@chrismccord I think we can close this now, yeah?

Additional highlight queries that don't really belong in the main nvim-treesitter repository would be a good addition. For example, highlighting certain Phoenix macros as keywords.

> FYI LV 0.18 just got released and now there are more telemetry events it seems, from the changelog: > > `Add new LiveView logger with telemetry instrumentation for lifecycle...

I ran into this issue on a Linux machine running Pop_OS. I had previously setup `kubectl` when installing `minikube` and encountered the same cryptic error message when running `aws eks...

I am also experiencing this issue, both on Pop_OS! 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. My Zoom desktop version is 5.0.x, the latest version available for Linux. @mmstick I may...