confuzedplayer Yeah i have same issues.
> I could try compiling the 6.7 for 6.12.8 to see if its fine if you could please, i would like to give that a try
> > > I could try compiling the 6.7 for 6.12.8 to see if its fine > > > > > > if you could please, i would like to...
Sorry, would u be able to compile one for 6.12.8 using 6.70?
> > One thing i did notice from 6.7.0 to > 6.7.0 is the compiler switch, I'm not sure if that can be screwing something up deep down in the...
Thank you, ill test a little later.
I was able to have bonding and bridging mode enabled and arc working on 6.70 Thank you for the complies