Ard Timmerman
Ard Timmerman
### Version 0.2.14 ### File / Feature When you cannot connect to a certain endpoint, the connection recovery mechanism kicks in and it will retry until somehow the endpoint will...
Currently when you connect a 'healthChecker' is started on transport. That one is responsible for sending periodic OPTIONS requests to the sip server to ensure the connection is still alive....
### Version 0.1.10-beta.3 ### File / Feature For the upgrade from SIP.js 0.15.6 > 0.15.7 the EventEmitter related functions on Subscriber are removed. Think of .on('failure', message => retrySubscriptionAfterXTime(message))` or...
### Version 0.1.7 ### Expected behaviour When subscription emits terminated, add extra info on why it is terminated. If it is 481 for example, user of this lib can take...
### Version (no versions yet) ### File / Feature - src/autoplay.ts - src/client.ts - src/media.ts - src/reconnectable-transport.ts - src/session-media.ts - src/session-stats.ts ### Summary I assumed that when the browser supports...
### Version (no version yet) ### File / Feature - src/client.ts ### Expected behaviour When connected, and not yet registered, you should be allowed to place an outgoing call. ###...