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Confluent's Kafka Python Client

Results 232 confluent-kafka-python issues
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This is a question, not an issue. We've been using the normal rebalancing strategy, whereby n consumer threads are launched and allocated to partitions by kafka. However, this has occasionally...


Description =========== I have a topic with 24 partitions which is produced about 1000 messages/sec. The cosumer-commit-offset is manual. 1.After starting consumer, the Broker logs : "Preparing to rebalance group·····...

Description =========== When I set "" on broker version "3.1.0", the messages polled by method `consumer.poll(timeout=1.0)` sometimes with from very high number offset() (such as 4272995135), even though the maximum...

wait info

Hello 👋 I'm responsible for two App Containers consuming from 2 different Kafka topics: one with Avro schema, the other schema-less. The schema less consumer never crashed, however the one...


Description =========== I have a problem with a producer in an API. Specifically, once in a while it'll throw errors like `SASL authentication error: SaslAuthenticateRequest failed: Local: Broker transport failure...


Description =========== SchemaRegistryClient does not supply a timeout to the underlying calls to `requests`. If a network issue causes no data to be returned (such as firewall/security group misconfiguration), the...


Description =========== Support for multiple schemas in one topic for JAVA avro serializer was added in pull request: [](url) Any chance this could be supported from python too? How to...

Fixes To use Serializer: ``` named_schemas = {} ref_dict = loads(ref_schema_str) parse_schema(ref_dict, _named_schemas=named_schemas) ref_schema = SchemaReference("org.test.MyReferencedItem", "referenced-subject", "1") schema = Schema(schema_str, "AVRO", [ref_schema]) avro_serializer = AvroSerializer(schema_registry_client, schema, None, None,...

## Overview When using the Cached Schema Registry client with a URL that has moved or been decommissioned, calls to AvroConsumer.poll() will raise a SerializerError. This is the same error...


Description =========== Here the `timeout` option is hardcoded as `-1` and not surfaced to the Python API. Would be great to be able to set `timeout` in this API....
