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Confluent's Kafka Python Client

Results 232 confluent-kafka-python issues
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Description =========== Using ProtobufDeserializer with a message type generated by the protocol buffer compiler. Results in a `ValueError("MessageDescriptor not found in file")`. Was able to reproduce with the example....

Description =========== librdkafka provides support for setting SASL extensions when setting a OAuthBearer token via `rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token()`. This is used in confluent-kafka-go [here](, but not in confluent-kafka-python, as seen [here]( In...

Description =========== Failed to produce large message. Running kafka docker compose with pre-created topics. Output of init topics: ``` Creating kafka topics WARNING: Due to limitations in metric names, topics...

Description: Wheels for confluent-kafka-python doesn't exists in [pypi]( Solution: This PR: #1161 addresses the issue to build and publish aarch64 wheels for confluent-kafka Successful Builds: Checklist ========= Please provide...

Description =========== Classes: - JSONSerializer - JSONDeserializer Contain a short code where they are validating the information of the schema related to the instance using "jsonschema" package. ``` from jsonschema...


Description =========== I have receiving the following error while sending messages to a docker confluent-kafka broker (AWS HOST) from my local laptop (Jupyter Notebook). `Message delivery failed: KafkaError{code=_MSG_TIMED_OUT,val=-192,str="Local: Message timed...

Description =========== I'm trying to redirect stdout logs to a proper logger and as far as I can tell, configuring log_cb is the proper configuration option to make that happen....

Description =========== How to verify compress type of the message on consumer? How to reproduce ================ I have too many topics(maybe 2000). I want to verify compress type of all...

Are you considering update from `` to `manylinux2014` in your `tools/` script? It would allow for the automatic build of `arm64` (as `manylinux2014` supports `arm64`) arch binary wheel, which would... > Notice for Python 3 users > A package called "avro-python3" had been provided to support Python 3 previously, but the codebase was consolidated into the "avro" package and...