Daniel Esteban
Daniel Esteban
I like the idea, it's not only shorter (not much) but easier/simpler. Could the code be placed inside machine.go only once? It smells a little that it needs to be...
I'm more inclined to the simplest `ConfigureAsInput()` if possible. I didn't see any "Arduino" tutorial that makes the difference between pull-up / pull-down, at least in entry level.
The code is generic enough, other families should work too like 74HC/HCT595 , STP16C596 , M74HC595 , .... maybe we should rename _shifter_ to avoid confussion: _shiftPISO - shiftSIPO_ ¿?
Is there any other driver that configures the spi? I think the drivers should not configure the transports, since it means they know more than they should. In the example...
I might be able to look at it, could you resume what it does and what is missing? and a possible setup (never worked with lora before)
I bought this one https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32811511435.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4d6NgGko and a node near, but didn't have the time to work on it. It's a sx1278 device, like this driver, so in theory it should...
I'm afraid I'm not an expert either, but Lora devices connect to a gateway (what I called a node before), the same way a laptop connects to a router. Gateways...
Hi Sam, thanks for your contribution. I have several matrix modules and ICs+leds and can help you with the daisy-chaining code or verify it works, add it if you could....
It's been a while since the last update, is it ready to review? I'd like to add this driver as I have several max72xx modules lying around. The smoke test...
Hello, which command are you using to build? Looks like the target is missing.