Catalin Pinte

Results 15 comments of Catalin Pinte

@JakeSc If you are not using the integration please be sure that the Build & Development Settings & Root Directory settings under Project -> Settings -> General look like this.

@leeuwisarvin it was working / stable at the time. I closed that one because I was doing a workaround for the wishlist implementation using the same Cart API for quickly...

@leeuwisarvin yes i am.

@drugan Like you can see in a previous comment, the team was busy with other internal things, like the Next.js Conf, providing many examples you can find in the [Vercel...

@hoangbaovu did you run `yarn` & `yarn dev` in the root folder ?

> Requires the #776 to be merged first. Will try to replicate and apply a fix for that

@lfades ordercloud builds locally too (created a test account and tested)

@michaelbromley Hello, this PR contains type errors, so the preview deployment has failed.

@FBosler schemas are created using [graphql-codegen]( created #285 to add the command used to generate that.

Closed in favor of #833 required schema updates & fix deprecations