darrin t schultz

Results 34 issues of darrin t schultz

To make this a little more friendly to those not familiar with `bash`, maybe change the formatting of rm -rf staging python stageflowcells.py data basecalls staging read_fast5_basecaller.py -r -i staging/$flowcell...

fails on ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Log is attached below. See #119 [2.2.10.makefail.txt](https://github.com/gmarcais/Jellyfish/files/1996094/2.2.10.makefail.txt)

I added a function that calculates the arithmetic mean of the quality scores, rather than the geometric mean as `meanqual` currently does. For motivation, please see [this blog post](https://gigabaseorgigabyte.wordpress.com/2017/06/26/averaging-basecall-quality-scores-the-right-way/). Using...

I have a cool file that appears to be fine - there are reads in pretty much every bin. Here it is as a ginteractions file: ``` NC_042997.1 0 1000000...

Hi, this warning is a bit vague. What do you think about making it say something like "output directory already exists, so quitting to avoid overwriting files." Or if there...

_Commit_: I installed `higlass-manage` on Ubuntu 20.04.4. Typing `higlass-manage version` shows `0.8.0`. I am not sure what version of `higlass` is running inside the docker. #### Steps to reproduce 1....

flushes the falconsense buffer when working on a new read so that it will be easier to determine which reads are causing falconsense to slow down. addresses #1202 partly

I'm trying to install FALCON via the `install_unzip.sh` script [found via readthedocs](https://pb-falcon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick_start.html). I'm trying to install here `/usr/local/bin/falcon-201805` with the command `sudo bash -ex install_unzip_180504.sh /usr/local/bin/falcon-201805`. However, I consistently get...

the language in the manpage for -1 is a little confusing: "read11.fq,read12.fq,read13.fq" Can you consider changing it to something more explicit that will reflect how most people with use the...

Can you possibly add support for gzipped fastq and fasta files for `collapse_isoforms_by_sam.py`? It's a big difference in file size and it would be nice to be able to use...
