Issam Maghni

Results 54 comments of Issam Maghni

Seriously, something should be done.

Firstly, I've never stated otherwise. Secondly, my comment was a way to up this thread, which was inactive (5 months). That being said, I love this project, but I don't...

Everything is fixed. I also followed your EDIT: Oops, I fckd my branch. Will fix it.

```sh sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install python3-pip python3-cairo python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 python3 -m pip install --user '' ~/.local/bin/gp-saml-gui -h ``` If, for God knows why, you want to...

Not really. See the POSIX man page: It clearly states `#include `.

From documentation: > The (obvious) default action for all of these signals is to cause the process to terminate. 1. When the user hit ^c, it sends SIGINT to nodemon....

``` "reload"/watch ==> nodemon ==> reloadSignal (SIGHUP by default) ==> child *if child exits: start child *endif ----------------------------------------------- SIGINT|HUP ==> nodemon ==> SIGINT|HUP ==> child *if SIGINT before $timeout: ==>...

Let’s start with `SIGHUP`. This signal is quite problematic because it has two roles in the UNIX world. 1. > […] used to report that the user’s terminal is disconnected...

``` SIGINT ==> nodemon ==> SIGINT ==> child *if SIGINT before $timeout: ==> SIGKILL ==> child *endif *if child exits before $timeout: exit nodemon *endif ``` > It means that...

I don’t remember where I’ve seen the two consecutive SIGINT, but I know it’s quite useful to debug a program not handling correctly SIGINT or to test/bypass the graceful shutdown....