Results 23 comments of Can OMUR

Hi, Did you find a solution for this ? I'm on cordova 8 and cannot downgrade. Thanks

Hi @Tersoal I have some thoughts about this issue. First, you can save original file name in another field if you want to delete it when your entity is removed...

Send me your code and i will show you how to do it. I have to include a real example in the project

Hi, Thanks for this great job, I will take some time to check it.

@sunandang @antonskv Do you want to add a feature to directly bind the bundle to S3 ? I don't have any case to test so...

Hi @antonskv Thx for your code. I don’t know if we can add some code with an optionally included package. I will take a look. For contributing, you just need...

Hi @georgesamy No it's not abandoned but not really had time for that, if you can work on it and send me PR I can merge it