
Results 70 comments of Val

I am using flask + jwt. For queries I just use Viewer, as a top level object: ``` class Query(graphene.ObjectType): .... viewer = graphene.Field(Viewer) @staticmethod def resolve_viewer(_root, info): return Viewer.get_user_by_token(info.context.headers.get('Authorization'))...

@jstasiak It is used to catch configuration errors on startup, when spawning all singleton services. F.e. I've introduced a breaking change (configuration/compilation error/broke all injections by binding unknown/wrong module). Then...

Sure. Java-like parent annotation, but with string: ``` @implemented_by('JWTTokenService') class TokenService(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def authorize_token(self, auth_header: str) : pass @singleton class JWTTokenService(TokenService): ... ``` or Child annotation: ``` class TokenService(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod...

Please don't merge it. Project is renaming now, after I finish I'll update name and links in this PR

Hi, @alexdias I'll investigate it, thanks for the issue. I am in a process of refactoring mongoc and I'll pay attention to it.

set command is not what you want. Please try [push]( or [addToSet](

Yes. I noticed that too, when testing this issue. I am now thinking about refactoring the mongoc module, as it is very hard for me to dive into this code....