Jonathon Hill

Results 58 comments of Jonathon Hill

@celestebancos we haven't forgotten about this, I should be able to review for you next week. In the meantime, if you haven't already, please merge in the latest master, rerun...

This should not be the case if the correct version of @elastic/elasticsearch (>= 7.8.0) is being used. However this may help with backward compatibility. I guess I need to come...

@nkeating-mutualofenumclaw yes, need tests to confirm that it does indeed fix errors with older versions of elasticsearch, and doesn't break when used with the current version of elasticsearch.

@nkeating-mutualofenumclaw yes, please.

@nkeating-mutualofenumclaw @elastic/elasticsearch changed how headers work internally in v7.7.1. Which version are you using? Does v9 work if you upgrade to the latest version of @elastic/elasticsearch?

Also FYI this dependency is noted in package.json: ``` "peerDependencies": { "@elastic/elasticsearch": ">=7.8.0", "aws-sdk": "^2.709.0" } ``` So you should get a warning from NPM if you're running @elastic/elasticsearch <...

Have you seen the HTML files in the samples directory?

It works with a linear scale, other scale types are not yet supported. Any PRs to rectify this are welcome!

It looks like a time axis to me. Can you post a jsfiddle or codepen reproducing the issue?

@mikkelking if you're parsing a full name like `Ben Cousins`, don't pass `{ individualFields: true }` and it will work fine as-is.