Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán

Results 5 issues of Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán

Bug downloading url: http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/Projects/DepartmentofHealthandSocialCare/Publishedreviews/COVID-19Livingsystematicmapoftheevidence/tabid/3765/Default.aspx This is my code for parsing url: // Get plain text content plain, err := html2text.FromString(string(bodyBytes), html2text.Options{PrettyTables: true}) I got error: signal: killed It works pretty...

English detector fails when checking czech text: package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/chrisport/go-lang-detector/langdet" "github.com/chrisport/go-lang-detector/langdet/langdetdef" ) var isEnglishDetector langdet.Detector func isEnglish(text string) bool { if len(isEnglishDetector.Languages) == 0 { fmt.Println("* Init...

help wanted

On NER with prose to identify people (PERSON) and geographical/political Entities (GPE) using a 519,369 word corpus about Coronavirus, most frequent resulting entities are: COVID-19 :: GPE 1036 SARS-CoV-2 ::...

Script in python or js to extend functionSignatures.sh, add params as needed, compute selectors (four bytes of the Keccak-256 or SHA-3 hash of the signature of the function)


Prevent lending and withdrawal within the same tx/block #199 (medium): To protect from the lending fees manipulation using flash loan we need to prevent lending and withdrawing from the pools...

medium priority