Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán
Juan Ignacio Pérez Sacristán
According to Twitter: https://twitter.com/pancakeswap/status/1369547285160370182?lang=en #PancakeSwap on BSC testnet: Factory: 0x6725F303b657a9451d8BA641348b6761A6CC7a17 Router: 0xD99D1c33F9fC3444f8101754aBC46c52416550D1 Anybody can confirm these addresses are Ok?
In order to quickly update current function and event selectors, I used this recipe, pending yet to develop a complete js script to do all the job by itself. To...
Script is done! Updated event topics and function selector spreadsheet, now including AMM contracts as well: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16IOcLe3itNsG1fJjMrpTM802sZGd37hvb6I-leBYPUI/edit?usp=sharing
Pending to fix 3 issues: 1.- On function signatures, interfaces should be typed as addresses. 2.- On function signatures, structs should be exploded into their components, around brackets () 3.-...
At scripts/deployment folder there is another Python code (redeploy_after_bzx_update.py) that is using the same or similar functions to test deployments, so it could be a good starting point to build...
``` $ find . -type f ! -path '*node_modules/*' -print0 | xargs -0 egrep -inH "underlyingAsset" ./oracle-based-amm/rbtcwrapperproxy/contracts/RBTCWrapperProxy.sol:465: IERC20Token underlyingAsset = IERC20Token(loanToken.loanTokenAddress()); ./oracle-based-amm/rbtcwrapperproxy/contracts/RBTCWrapperProxy.sol:468: require(underlyingAsset.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), depositAmount), "Failed to transfer tokens to...
I'm trying to use slither to perform solidity static analysis to discover unused variables but it is failing due to an old syntax on the pragma: ``` # old, fails...
Sovryn-smart-contracts/contracts/connectors/loantoken/LoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin.sol 175,9: function toggleFunctionPause( Sovryn-smart-contracts/contracts/mockup/previousLoanToken/PreviousLoanTokenSettingsLowerAdmin.sol 114,9: function toggleFunctionPause(
Adding test to check event is really emitted. Sovryn-smart-contracts/tests-js/loan-token/Administration.test.js 127,25: await localLoanToken.toggleFunctionPause(functionSignature, true); 137,25: await localLoanToken.toggleFunctionPause(functionSignature, false); 147,38: await expectRevert(localLoanToken.toggleFunctionPause("mint(address,uint256)", true, { from: accounts[1] }), "onlyPauser");
Hardhat testing what events were emitted with what arguments: According to https://ethereum-waffle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/matchers.html?highlight=events#emitting-events this code should work: ``` await expect(localLoanToken.toggleFunctionPause(functionSignature, true)) .to.emit(localLoanToken, 'ToggleFunctionPause') .withArgs(functionSignature, true); ``` But it is not! So...