Thiadmer Riemersma

Results 25 comments of Thiadmer Riemersma

(Toch maar in het Engels...) The error means that a library is missing on the linker line. You may need to add "-lshlwapi" on the lines that start with the...

When BMTrace stays stuck at "Initializing...", it means that it cannot open the virtual serial port (or the TCP/IP port). When it says "Attach failed", it means that any of...

I will test on different PCs; hopefully I can reproduce the problem. This latest version, I have so far only tested on the same laptop that I develop on. What...

I commited 7e5bc811479cb2bc25e53419d7c671734ede742a with a few changes, based on testing on a different PC. The notable changes is that I added a few retries (with a delay between the retries)...

The good news is, it has nothing to do with MingW. The bad news is, I still cannot reproduce the error. In commit 85d4c00001821878c0cd5d5df68253d025b6b956 I added retries for the "traceswo...

BMDebug uses GDB in the background. To get SWO tracing in BMDebug, you would have to type in a command like BMP: trace 12mhz 100khz ctxLink: trace async 12mhz 100khz...

It is not entirely clear to me what happened in that screen capture, but in trying a few scenarios, I found a few bugs, and fixed them in commit 47a76f6744192f2368300c769fa06617647dde42....

I have added Makefile.mingw for MingW. However, the makefile does not solve all problems. Apparently, MingW does not include strlcpy() and strlcat() in its libraries, so I added a C...

I modified the makefiles such that makefile.cfg is optional. I also documented it at the top of the makefile. The CDIR macro is now optional too. Including a makefile.cfg is...

An implementation of makedepend is here: For the error, the following must be added to the linker lines: -lsetupapi -lshlwapi -lcomdlg32 I am stunned by the undefined reference to...