Jeroen Willemsen

Results 172 comments of Jeroen Willemsen

Depends on #453 in order to make all items relatable and easy to find :) .

Given a secret can no longer be used in forks unless you use `pull_request_target` which will result in a lot of spam PRs, maybe we can instead just have an...

Removing additional labels until we are sure what to do with it :D (@bendehaan )

Thank you for volunteering @PalaniappanC ! I have assigned the issue to you.

So the idea is that the secret itself is kept in a file. The file should be: - present with a placeholder value in src/test/resources/secret_placeholder.txt for junit tests and end2end...

Feel free to draft a PR or contact us on Slack if you need anything :).

> Hi @commjoen we should have the logic to create secret file in and we should have the file copy logic in Dockerfile right Yes :-)

Hi @PalaniappanC ! How are you doing? Do you have any updates on this good sir :) ? and for github actions to build for linux and windows