wrongsecrets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wrongsecrets copied to clipboard

Create a separate repo where you allow actions to run, so you can get the secret out

Open commjoen opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Create a separate repo where you allow actions to run, so you can get the secret out. The idea would be that you have a challenge with a forkable action+Secret, so anyone forking this repository should get access to the given secret. TODO:

  • [ ] Have the Github secret forkable
  • [ ] Create a github action using it
  • [ ] Create the actual challenge with the secret encrypted as part of the java code (See contributing.md on how to create the challenge)

commjoen avatar Sep 22 '22 20:09 commjoen

Depends on #453 in order to make all items relatable and easy to find :) .

commjoen avatar Oct 13 '22 18:10 commjoen

Given a secret can no longer be used in forks unless you use pull_request_target which will result in a lot of spam PRs, maybe we can instead just have an encrypted secret in a github action with the key embedded into it?

commjoen avatar Oct 15 '23 06:10 commjoen

Removing additional labels until we are sure what to do with it :D (@bendehaan )

commjoen avatar Oct 15 '23 06:10 commjoen