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+1, or lxc/lxd container

我之前在换host_name_verification之前有一阵能用过自签的证书 因为有一次升级trojan的时候发现了这个问题,两台机器上的一个用不了,查了一下源码发现了 如果你可以做到的话可以试试直接改源码之后编译 这个操作简单点 **不确定是不是会有安全隐患** 或者 你可以自己先造个CA证书,然后用这个CA证书签发一个用于加密的证书给trojan用 CA证书应该是要装到客户端上的 而且给只ip上的ssl证书应该是要把sni设置成对应ip的如果没记错的话

it is possibly not a gcd bug though, some say > LB do yaw = yaw % 360, but vanilla client doesn't idk how correct is that

I will look into the docs once I got some freetime probably next week, and see what I can do about it. Not sure how much I can help this...

It also happens with `RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470]` (Ancient card around 2010) on manjaro probably using opensource radeon driver. Totally newbie to graphics, but why do we need to...

with `RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run ` it gives following output, it seems the card doesn't support vulkan indeed. ```    ~/Neothesia    master ?1  RUST_LOG=info...

> 别用安卓手机装这个 最好的办法是用rockylinux当软路由 然后设置 为什么? 安卓手机怎么了? 为什么不能用? 不知道,我猜就是密码可能抄错了,看看服务端密码有没有转义字符之类的