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VW: update LKA HUD to be more logically accurate

Open dkiiv opened this issue 5 months ago • 4 comments


Original behavior may lead to situations where openpilot lateral is controlling steer while the HUD is not being updated


Changed "CC.enabled" in carcontroller and in both VW can files Confirmed desired fix with FrogPilot and feature segregation, LKA HUD LED stays illuminated/controlled while openpilot steers


Route with update: 578742b26807f756/2024-03-16--19-53-30

dkiiv avatar Mar 17 '24 00:03 dkiiv

Thanks for contributing to openpilot! In order for us to review your PR as quickly as possible, check the following:

  • Convert your PR to a draft unless it's ready to review
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    • the goal is clearly stated in the description
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github-actions[bot] avatar Mar 17 '24 00:03 github-actions[bot]

just wanted to add a comment to clarify, this isnt for the purpose of feature segregation. this is for covering edge cases where openpilot may be commanding steering while not indicating as such on the cluster

dkiiv avatar Mar 17 '24 01:03 dkiiv

@jyoung8607 it is undecided for other ports whether to use latActive or enabled, what do you think, is this distracting to change when going into standstill?

sshane avatar Mar 25 '24 22:03 sshane

@jyoung8607 it is undecided for other ports whether to use latActive or enabled, what do you think, is this distracting to change when going into standstill?

I think this is probably a good change. It will be a change for it to disappear at standstill, but I'm okay with it. In retrospect, it's a bug for us to display the green LKA indicator for cars with >0 minSteerSpeeds, and we've taken on a couple of those since this code was written.

Full disclosure while we're discussing these lines, going to yellow on steer override isn't stock behavior, it was my personal choice. It was a nice debugging aid back in the day, I grew to like it and kept it.

jyoung8607 avatar Mar 26 '24 00:03 jyoung8607