I wouldn't hold my breath for .Net Core. Unity are notoriously slow for rolling out useful changes. I could lend a hand if you have a project I could test...
My thinking was (and I might be wrong here so feel free to disagree) that currently a user who has never used this framework before lands on your VFW github...
I'm curious about why you would use an external location for the package file and a separate file for the history instead of using the facilities provided by github releases....
Go with the one you think will be easier for you as you'll be the one maintaining it. An alternative approach is to both keep the history file and use...
I found this plugin that could make this quite easy: Maybe a script could be made so that every time a new version of VFW is posted, the docs...
Ah. I should've checked which plugin you originally linked to. My mistake for reposting!
Do you think it's possible to have safe Rust code work with your OtherSide implementation?