I was able to resolve a similar by switching to v3 🥳
Yes, maybe use Math.min and Math.max in the update function to keep things inside the canvas? Or is there a better place to put it?
There is a similar inefficiency using storing UUIDs as text in postgres, well described [here]( In brief, storing UUID's using the Text type ```sql select pg_column_size('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::CHAR(36)) char_size, pg_column_size('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid) uuid_size ;...
I've been using `mp4box.js` with great success. But I've run into this issue as well. I looked into the source for this and it looks like the `rapAlignement` option isn't...
I'm not entirely sure what the implications of that would be. What I've done is store things based on whether or not it is a simple value. ```ts { $modelType:...
Yeah, that's a pretty 👀 speed difference. Running a similar shootout, it seems like the number of keys makes a big difference. I ran with 10_000 random updates: | |...
Taking a quick peek at lib/ from ruby... - set - observable - json - uri - ostruct - securerandom - base64 - csv - delegator - erb - forwardable...
Also, to go off topic on this ticket. Absolutely loving being able to play around with the DOM in Ruby. Match made in heaven.
I'm playing with porting concepts I use in a personal js app framework to ruby So far it's a dream.
I greatly prefer the builder style for creating html, but reuse-ability is definitely key. Is there a way to do 'partials' or call out to other functions to dry up...