李广慧 Colin
李广慧 Colin
We managed to do so by changing the last part of `/config/prod.exs` and build a new docker image out of it. The original config file looks like this. ```elixir config...
> I've created a wiki page about this, showing how this can be configured _without rebuilding the image_ - https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema-server/wiki/SMTP-configuration > > Thx for the Office 365 snippet @colinleefish !...
> Hello there, I have tried to implement this example in which I try to disable the button. Seems not working. The variant link added to the button isn't working...
if we remove... ```yaml - name: validate_password_policy value: "LOW" ``` then the installation will succeed.
How about another section like "additional_parameters_after_init" or something? While the original one is just what it is now, parameters here are added after everything is set and MySQL is fully...
No problem. I'll see what I can do. Thanks man!
2015-11-30 更新: 在Mac下用Shadowsocks-libev/Chrome/SwitchyOmega。我把SwitchyOmega里面的代理协议改成socks5之后就可以用了。Windows下用http就可以。因为是Shadowsocks-libev,没有界面,用launchd让它keepalive之后我就没再管他,于是也没有测试ShadowsocksX是不是也是一样的原因。 所以,可以尝试改成socks5。 Hope it helps. --- _在2015年11月28日写到:_ > Hi. 我也碰到了类似的问题。ShadowsocksX和Shadowsocks-libev都用过了。日志如下: > > ``` > 2015-11-28 11:05:08 INFO: initialize ciphers... aes-256-cfb > 2015-11-28 11:05:09 INFO: listening at >...