
Results 8 comments of Col

...yes was on that page, I must be missing something, I forked one of the codepens and this is what I edited that is not working `function speak(obj) { $(obj).articulate('getVoices').articulate('setVoice','Daniel',voice).articulate('speak');...

...found the problem with codepen external link WORKS USING [even though insecure http] NOT WORKING WITH [only default voice does]

...ok, so IE does not support "next-gen" javascript, so tried converting functions with => back to "browser-compatible" JavaScript, hoping this would work, however new error states `jQuery.Deferred exception: 'fetch' is...

...yes am aware that it is not a webslides issue as such, as googling for this error message seems to indicate if there is a difference between http & https... bad - the previous html I copied from dev tools console - my actual html I am using is ` same console message in ``

... re apple stuff - makes this web page on ios when "add to home screen" a web app - ie now has a screen icon, and launches full screen... On 3 November 2017 at 21:56, josephernest wrote: > @coldes Feel free to do a pull request with > all these things, it seems useful! > > PS: what...