Currently a check is scheduled when a connection is opened, it waits for the timeout on a ScheduledExecutorService. It's usually cancelled. That is not very useful when you have real...
The final jar is supposed to have a file named `META-INF/services/javax.json.spi.JsonProvider` containing only ``` com.github.pgelinas.jackson.javax.json.spi.JacksonProvider ``` I know you've described a way to do it manually in the main page,...
We've recently started using Less in our project and it compiles for less than a second with the node-less package under Ubuntu. I tried to add it to the maven...
It's partly feature, partly fix. Not sure how to tag it. And adding the JAVA_OBJECT to the acceptable null types fixes a small issue in an experiment of mine. The...
They changed the signature of the method in 5.2 and now instead of `SessionImplementor` it takes `SharedSessionContractImplementor`. This fixed it. ```diff diff --git a/hibernate5/src/main/java/com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype/hibernate5/ b/hibernate5/src/main/java/com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype/hibernate5/ index 140d8b3..392eb31 100644 --- a/hibernate5/src/main/java/com/fasterxml/jackson/datatype/hibernate5/
I have 151 torrents loaded, only 2 of which are active, yet the interface is very slow to respond to scrolling, much less sorting (which it forgets to do at...
I noticed this Javadoc syntax error earlier this week. Nothing major, but it stood-out when I was looking through the API in my IDE.