Nico Jacobs
Nico Jacobs
Hello, I'm just playing around with your nice library... very cool! but is it somehow possible to rotate arround the x axis? rotateX has no effect.
Hi, I'm looking for a way to have multiple scss maps in one json file instead of one big one. right now: json: ```json { "size-scale": { "300": "0.8rem", "500":...
Hello 👋 **the bug** When I access the lms scroll properties myScroll.on('scroll', (args) => { console.log(args); }) speed is always 0. Only on Chrom (I'm using a Mac) Safari and...
On MAC OS Sonoma, Safari V17 smoothWheel set to false won't work with overscroll-behavior: contain
**Describe the bug** On MAC OS Sonoma, Safari V17 Scrolling is not functioning properly when used in conjunction with lenis.options.smoothWheel set to false. Please remove 'overscroll-behavior: contain' from the CSS....
Hi, I have the problem that resources that are loaded from the (s)css are not rendered with the [git-revision-hash]. However, only when I am in normal webpack build mode. When...
### Check that this is really a bug - [X] I confirm ### Reproduction link ### Bug description At first both slider are controlling each other Than after window...
Hi, Thank you for this nifty Plugin, it works great for me. But there is one thing I cant't manage. I have different groups for autocompletion search items. One Group...