Would love to submit a PR for this if I can be pointed in the right direction
Thats fine, your hard work already on Gluegun is appreciated. Will try and help on this issue, do you have any insight to share that could help with this
That would be part one. Will also need the TS Compiler to compile the `model.ts.ejs` file to `model.js.ejs`
Looked into this, unfortunately the TS compiler doesn't accept "custom" extensions, in this case '.ejs'. An alternative could be in the npm build script, we copy the template folder into...
Thanks @simondotm for this awesome library. I ran into the same issue with Node12. Downgrading to Node10 fixes the issue and as your mentioned don't see any issues with using...
I had this identical issue with using vercel funcitons. I found a solution that might help you further debug the problem. A similar issue highlights the code in the vercel...
> @cogoo can you help? @MarioProjects sure. I understand what you're after. The flow you're looking to implement is https://docs.solanapay.com/core/overview#web-app-to-browser-wallet. In short: 1. It's your dApp that has to create...
> 3\. [rchant/simulateWalletInteraction.ts#L25](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-pay/blob/master/core/example/payment-flow-merchant/simulateWalletInteraction.ts#L25) > 4\. Use web3.js to `sendAndConfirmTransaction` upon user interaction > > I may have some actual code examples for you in the coming weeks 🙏🏾 This is...
> @cogoo hi, I'm not sure I'm following then, because `validateTransactionSignature` fails when using lamports and only seems to succeed when using the original SOL amount from the generated URL/QR...
I've investigated the issue with running `vercel dev` for local development and found a solution that might help others facing the same problem. The issue can be resolved by setting...