Tsutomu Kawamura

Results 11 issues of Tsutomu Kawamura

Chrome 59 has supported a new headless mode! :tada: To try it, add a line below to your `.bash_profile`: ``` alias chrome="/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome" ``` Then, reload `.bash_profile`: ```bash $...

Currently CSP edition fails 15 tests (out of 70). Is it an expected behavior? If not, I'd like to dive into the code more. #### Output from mocha (failed) -...

Recently, I've almost switched to Figma. So, it's a bit difficult to maintain this repository actively. If someone has interest to take care about `gulp-sketch`, let me know. Thanks.

help wanted

Locally we can pass the tests, but failed on Travis because of the version of Node.js on Travis's `osx` environment.

- [ ] Read buffer instead of direct file access - [x] Use [temp](https://www.npmjs.org/package/temp) to avoid conflict - [ ] Divide this module into two, and make a new `node-sketch`...


In the near future (or already now), we need to handle these browsers: - Native ES6, native module - Native ES7 supported, but no native module - Native ES6 supported,...


To detect the changes well, it needs to care about dependencies. - `rollup` can return the dependencies while compiling - `postcss-import` may not support it Hmm...


At this point Felt is made for homologous conversions: - `css` to `css` - `js` to `js` But it could be handy if it support such conversions, too: - `scss`...


極力シンプルにしたいと思い、ver1.0では次のようにしています。 ```markdown # 契約書タイトル ## 条タイトル ``` ただ、これだと章立てに対応できないため、 ```markdown # 契約書タイトル ## 章タイトル ### 条タイトル ``` とするべきか、悩んでいます。ご意見募集。