Hi, I'm working on something similar and after reading this thread I've been learning more about {tidymodules}. Turning the existing apps into tinymodules has gone smoothly, but I'm running into...
Thank you for your quick response. That makes sense - without direct interest and sponsorship (from Novartis in this case) the project relies solely on the developer's free time just...
I'm not sure if this'll work for your application, but for my project I ended up having to use a blank f7Tabs as a placeholder. To remove the toolbar from...
Good thinking, It is funny how we came to the same basic idea. I really like the idea of using `shinyjs::hide()` - I used this to hide the entire bottom...
I was looking into `insertF7Tab()` and the `insert_` function in shinyMobile.js, My thought was to try to edit these functions to add the functionality we were looking for. The R...
Follow-up: I got it working, but it requires an existing **blank** `f7Tabs()` in the UI. If the position 'new' is used when there is an existing tab in place, there...