Coel May

Results 8 comments of Coel May

I have long had the issue with a single project using Astro where I would see the error ``` [astro] 500 /%2Findex.html ``` Reproducing the error in a basic Astro...

The error I am having (as I referenced, and as I mentioned I was not able to fully replicate in the demonstration of which I also mentioned and of which...

> Hi all 👋 And sorry for the delayed response on this. > > Can someone post a reproduction scenario/public repo with this issue? > > I tried with a...

~~I have just updated to `netlify-cli/9.13.0` and the I mentioned/demonstrated previously is now non-existent @erezrokah~~ **Edit:** Retracting previous statement as untrue.

This happens with Vue as well. I don't believe it is (the fault of) Netlify CLI. If you run `react-script start` or `vue-cli-service serve` (without using `ntl dev`) there is...

Interesting to note that documentation CRA documentation @mjswensen linked to does not contain mention of redirects although the [Angular]( documentation does. Under the [Common configurations -> CRA]( it does not...

Another +1 to having a *wildcard* feature to say **Open *\** in [container]**

Experience for me, while not as horrific as mentioned above, it still slow, given I have a single directory with a couple of HTML files, CSS, favicon, `_headers`, and `_redirects`,...