切换 多说 评论到 gitment
切换 多说 到 gitment 具体看 https://imsun.net/posts/gitment-introduction/
https://github.com/cody1991/Blog/blob/ff4df80c1ef3e91ba61e5fec561f6d895de505a9/index.html 参考下? 虽然实现了,不怎么优雅,ctrl c ctrl v了不少,jekyll语法我再去看看优化下
I love this jekyll theme and using in my blog (fork: https://github.com/cody1991/type) Thanks @ahmadajmi https://codytang.netlify.app/ by the way, the pictures in posts/ are very simple and nice, where can i...
``` var concurrencyCount = 0; async.mapLimit(topicUrls, 5, function(url, callback) { console.time('耗时'); concurrencyCount++; console.log('现在的并发数是:' + concurrencyCount); superagent.get(url) .end(function(err, res) { if (err) { return console.error(err); } console.log(url); var $ = cheerio.load(res.text);...
I can't visit the websit :http://pastebin.com/8UDHxYJ and http://pastebin.com/QriPqp0m .. fxxk the wall. I can visit them now. today using the https://github.com/stomita/ios-imagefile-megapixel , I find I put my camera photo image...
@KILLME56k perfect ! thank you very much
```javascript /* * @Author: codytang * @Date: 2020-07-18 17:54:20 * @LastEditTime: 2020-07-18 18:01:55 * @LastEditors: codytang * @Description: 第 4 题:字符串出现的不重复最长长度 */ function longNoRepeatStr(str) { let max = -Infinity; let...