Johannes Mayer
Johannes Mayer
Hey! we decided on this banner but want to translate the message inside the banner via i18next. Therefore we need to have the Cookie banner as separate component. Therefore we...
I had to use sudo for for not obvious reasons. See here
Looks nice and simple but I can't get it to work for weird reasons... I think it's an issue with typescript. Also an example for functional components would be much...
solution from here:
Google says [here]( Sitemap files must be UTF-8 encoded, and [URLs escaped]( appropriately. [This validator]( showed me an error until I manually programatically modified first line of xml to be...
With lstlisting I can do something like this: ``` \begin{lstlisting}[breaklines,caption={My lstlisting Cpation},captionpos=b,label=lst:lstlistingWithCaptionAndLabel] #my code for lstlisting that has a caption and label \end{lstlisting} ``` Not with python-latex-highlighting: ``` \begin{python}[breaklines,caption={DESCRIPTION},captionpos=b,label=lst:LABEL] #my...
I can't automate an app because the finger must stay at a certain position after swiping. So I would really need a swipe and then hold at end position feature.
I used this in the past but much has happened meanwhile. M1 macOS processor and dotnet core etc. Any plans on reviving this project and upgrading it?
**We get this error log:** System.InvalidOperationException Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection's state...
I display a camera live video on my robopeak rpusbdisp. But I have 2 cameras. When I connect a second robopeak rpusbdisp it just says "Waiting for Signal...". So do...