Coding Seb

Results 29 comments of Coding Seb

Yes of course as in C# You can't put a `double` as second argument in `Math.Round(double,int,MidpointRounding)`. And when you set `OptionForceIntegerNumbersEvaluationsAsDoubleByDefault = true` it's what you are doing so it's...

Yes it would be great. I need some reflection on how to do it. I keep it open as a todo 😃

Hello @cantacuzene. I am sorry it's hard for me to give fast answer for now because I am in vacations and I only have my smartphone. I don't know if...

I reopen this because it could be useful for others.

Good idea. I was just thinking about this these days. A JS/JSON syntax could be great. I will probably create a few options for this. like : ```c# OptionJsonSyntaxForAnonymousObjectInit =...

I am currently reflecting about this. I try to start the implementation. I agree that Options need to be refactor to offer a better intellisense experience. But as it introduce...

I already published an alpha version for v.1.5 from branch `MakeScriptEvaluationMoreFlexible` ([See on nuget]( to test some early features. [We can test it here]( It already contains some cool script...

Yes it's a good idea. I will look how to integrate this kind of option. Take note that "EE" also support one expression blocks for these keywords : ```c# for(x...

Yes your solution is more flexible and the language agnostic style is good. I think it is possible but it will take some refactoring of the script part first to...

OK I am currently working on this. And your solution is good but I can not implement it in this strict manner. Here a few reasons : 1. I will...