
Results 6 comments of coding4m

> the use case is to reuse the same HTTP client connection for a given HTTP server connection, is that right ? yes, that's right.

> so we could cleanup and improve the `HttpClientStream` API which currently uses a mix of `ByteBuf` and `Buffer` (it would use only `Buffer`) to make it more usable. HttpClientStream...

@lindzh see

@rogetfan see

> `HttpClientConnection` would be move to the `io.vertx.core.http` package and provide something like `Future HttpConnection#request()` that would schedule a request on this connection, how does that sound ? LGTM, thanks.

Try this ``` HttpClientOptions options = new HttpClientOptions(); options.setDefaultHost(host).setDefaultPort(port) .setKeepAlive(true) .setTryUsePerFrameWebSocketCompression(true); HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(options); ``` on [](